Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ugly Baby Project

Anna, it could be worse. Your baby could look like this.

And he'll have a big ass to boot!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

To Infinity and Beyond!

So it's been like an eternity since I last posted...ok, well maybe not an eternity but it certainly feels like it.

To update all of the two people who read my blog (and already know this)...I got the job at Sony. I've been there a little over a month now and I'm still relatively mixed but it slowly gets a little less painful everyday. By the time I go to quit, I might even like it.

It was a rough decision to make at the time because I have and always will be a loyal Dovetail supporter. However, the decision has been made decidedly easier for me upon learning that Dovetail could be no-more in a matter of months.

Even though I no longer work at Dovetail and haven't for a little period of time now, I still find myself pissed at the founder of the company. When I first started I had nothing but pure respect and admiration for Dovetail's founder who I thought to be resourceful, strategic and down right ballsy. I looked up to him (as much as you could a guy with a bird named 'Noisyfucker') and hoped to mirror his success with an agency of my own. However, the last few months I find resentment towards him building. It just bothers me that a guy who took at 7 person agency and made it through the bust would let everything slip through his fingers now, and not because the economy is bad but because of sheer stupidity and a lack of good judgement.

I guess its none of my concern now since I opted to leave, but it's still a bummer to see. Kind of like watching a car crash- you see it coming 5 miles ahead but there's nothing you can really do to stop it from happening. Such is life, I guess.

It's strange to me how quickly thinks can change in such a short span of time but still remain relatively the same. Mike and I have been talking a lot about whether our course in life is pre-destined or something we choose for ourselves. Mike thinks that everything that happens in our life is a result of sheer chaos and random selection. I'm inclined to disagree. I think everyone has a path they're pre-destined to take. Right now I'm trying to figure out what exactly that is.

Apparently it wasn't Dovetail....we'll see where this takes me. Until then I'll be at the gym....another change from 3 months ago! HA!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Work, Weddings, Sony, Kitchen...Burnout 3

So Lupe got married this weekend and I have mixed feelings about it. Not because I'm not happy for her, but because I've come to the realization that I will slowly start losing my friends to the grown-up portion of life. It's scary and I'm reluctant to deal with it. Meh.

Following the wedding on Saturday, I've found myself in this weird lethargic funk. I slept ALL day Sunday and a good portion of Monday to help rustle myself out of it, but no such luck.

Work has been meh at best. A whole lot of drama went down this last week and as usual the preceding week everyone goes back to pretending like nothing happened the week before. I usually like to throw in my 2 cents at this point in the program but honestly, I don't have the energy for it. I'm wondering if I hit a brick wall and its time for a change... why not, everything else around me is changing rapidly.

Speaking of the new and different, I have my final interview with Sony tomorrow. I'm hoping for the best, but we'll see. I figure at this point if I'm meant to get it I will and if not then I will continue being a Dovetail crusader. Although at this point in time I'm considering Sony to be the start of a new job search. We'll see how things pan out in the next week or so.

Kitchen....still remodeling. I hate restaurants and would kill for someone to cook me a meal from scratch. I've probably gained a bijillion pounds right now and I'm sure my limited kitchen and ridiculous food consumption are partially to blame for my new found lethargy. I'm in definite need of a new routine...right quick. And perhaps a mumu.

I've officially hit burnout and its a sad site...I look like I got hit in the face by a tractor and I've now taken up sleeping in the fertile position on the couch watching re-runs of Frasier.

Well that's the update for now. I'm going to go curl up on the couch and wait for normalcy to return or my sanity, whichever comes first.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Long Time, No Write

Alright, so it's been awhile...not like anyone reads this blog anyway.... So its been awhile and I have a crap load of updates.

I'm just going to list them out:

1.) I bought a house...yes, a house. It's been mostly good with a few fun twists. The fun twists include a meth neighbor who broke into our home, multiple police raids, a stabbing and a drive-by.

2.) I got a promotion and a raise- which is shortly followed by me applying to new positions elsewhere...namely Sony. I had my second interview with Sony on Friday and I found them to be pretentious ass hats in general....but it's Sony. So I'll keep my mouth shut and take whatever they give me...which I'm hoping is a job.

3.) Probably the bestest news...I got engaged. Woot! Not only did I get engaged, Elvia apparently got engaged too...errr, in the process. However that has not stopped her from planning her wedding. Which will apparently mirror mine...copycatting is the best form of flatter, I hear.

4.) We're remodeling...we're in the process of updating our kitchen and spiffying up the house. Part of the remodel included a new roommate and hopefully with any luck (*fingers crossed) he won't brew beer in the bathroom, play Madden 24X7 or take a dump in the bathroom with the door open naked.

2008 has indeed been an interesting year, to say the least.

More to come later...I'm going to try and keep the trend going.

Monday, May 19, 2008

2008 Blows!

It's official...I hate 2008, it's a shitty shitty year.

All hail 2009!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


One of these days I'm gonna quit....seriously

Monday, January 7, 2008

To Divorce, Or Not to Divorce....That is the Question

I just got off the phone with my mom this afternoon. It looks as if years of misery and verbal abuse are finally to come to an end as my parents are thinking of getting a divorce.

I have mixed feelings about this. My initial reaction is to jump for joy and give my mom a huge hug, as my dad has verbally abused my mom and the rest of the family for more years than I can remember.

However, in my gut I'd feel bad. Why? Because my dad is completely uncapable of taking care of himself. My mom does his laundry, writes his papers, answers his email, buys his clothes, drives him around town, cooks his dinners, makes his tea. If my mom's only a matter of time before things start to unravel for my dad. The only thing my dad can manage to do on his own is shower...and even that it a stretch most of the time.

I usually don't these types of blogs, as I myself am not much of a sharer in the home dept. Usually I ignore it and let my friends believe that I have no family (why else would I only see them once a month?...if that).

However, my head is throbbing and I need to process my thoughts somewhere. I hate writing in journals and I figure since only two people read my blog I'm fairly safe.

I'm sure I'll have updates later (perhaps). Until then I'm just going to re-purpose my frustration and anger for Guitar Hero III.