Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anthem for the Depressed 20-Something...

I don't usually post song lyrics because I think it's a cop-out...but I was listening to my iPod while tweaking my media list and this song just seemed so appropriate for that 20-something angst.

...It also makes me want to watch Empire Records again.

With out further adieu....THE THE

"This is the Day"

Well... you didn't wake up this morning
Because you didn't go to bed
You were watching the whites of your eyes
Turn red
The calendar, on your wall, is ticking the days off
The calendar on your wall is tickingthe days offYou've been reading some old letters
You smile and think how much you've changed
All the money in the world
Couldn't bring back those days.
You pull back the curtains, and the sun burns into your eyes,
You watch a plane flying across a clear blue sky.
THIS IS THE DAY -- Your life will surely change.
THIS IS THE DAY -- Your life will surely change.You could've done anything -- if you'd wanted
And all your friends and family think that you're lucky.
But the side of you they'll never seeIs when you're left alone with the memories
That hold your life together like

Thursday, August 9, 2007

It's like SparkNotes for Political Candidates

So there's this handy-dandy political candidate chart thingy going around which I think is kinda rad. The chart calculates your stance on key political issues and let's you know which candidates share your views.

My results are as follows....

Kucinich 70 Death Penalty, Net Neutrality
Edwards 53 Patriot Act, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage
Clinton 50 Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage
Dodd 48 Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action
Gravel 47 Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind
Biden 46 Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage
Obama 39 Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage
Richardson 38 Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage
McCain 4 Abortion Rights, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

Giuliani -3
Paul -10
Thompson -18
Cox -32
Brownback -34
Huckabee -43
Romney -52
Hunter -61
Tancredo -70

Now the question I have is...who the hell is Kucinich! For all the people I administered the quiz to, Kucinich was on top.

Maybe all the people I associate myself with are liberal hippies- or maybe it was created by Kucinich himself...but I think you should try it for yourself.

For those of you who get Kucinich and like me had no idea who he was...he's the house of representatives spokesman for Ohio.

My guess is he won't make it past the primaries- but we've got some time just yet.