Monday, January 7, 2008

To Divorce, Or Not to Divorce....That is the Question

I just got off the phone with my mom this afternoon. It looks as if years of misery and verbal abuse are finally to come to an end as my parents are thinking of getting a divorce.

I have mixed feelings about this. My initial reaction is to jump for joy and give my mom a huge hug, as my dad has verbally abused my mom and the rest of the family for more years than I can remember.

However, in my gut I'd feel bad. Why? Because my dad is completely uncapable of taking care of himself. My mom does his laundry, writes his papers, answers his email, buys his clothes, drives him around town, cooks his dinners, makes his tea. If my mom's only a matter of time before things start to unravel for my dad. The only thing my dad can manage to do on his own is shower...and even that it a stretch most of the time.

I usually don't these types of blogs, as I myself am not much of a sharer in the home dept. Usually I ignore it and let my friends believe that I have no family (why else would I only see them once a month?...if that).

However, my head is throbbing and I need to process my thoughts somewhere. I hate writing in journals and I figure since only two people read my blog I'm fairly safe.

I'm sure I'll have updates later (perhaps). Until then I'm just going to re-purpose my frustration and anger for Guitar Hero III.