So it's been like an eternity since I last posted...ok, well maybe not an eternity but it certainly feels like it.
To update all of the two people who read my blog (and already know this)...I got the job at Sony. I've been there a little over a month now and I'm still relatively mixed but it slowly gets a little less painful everyday. By the time I go to quit, I might even like it.
It was a rough decision to make at the time because I have and always will be a loyal Dovetail supporter. However, the decision has been made decidedly easier for me upon learning that Dovetail could be no-more in a matter of months.
Even though I no longer work at Dovetail and haven't for a little period of time now, I still find myself pissed at the founder of the company. When I first started I had nothing but pure respect and admiration for Dovetail's founder who I thought to be resourceful, strategic and down right ballsy. I looked up to him (as much as you could a guy with a bird named 'Noisyfucker') and hoped to mirror his success with an agency of my own. However, the last few months I find resentment towards him building. It just bothers me that a guy who took at 7 person agency and made it through the bust would let everything slip through his fingers now, and not because the economy is bad but because of sheer stupidity and a lack of good judgement.
I guess its none of my concern now since I opted to leave, but it's still a bummer to see. Kind of like watching a car crash- you see it coming 5 miles ahead but there's nothing you can really do to stop it from happening. Such is life, I guess.
It's strange to me how quickly thinks can change in such a short span of time but still remain relatively the same. Mike and I have been talking a lot about whether our course in life is pre-destined or something we choose for ourselves. Mike thinks that everything that happens in our life is a result of sheer chaos and random selection. I'm inclined to disagree. I think everyone has a path they're pre-destined to take. Right now I'm trying to figure out what exactly that is.
Apparently it wasn't Dovetail....we'll see where this takes me. Until then I'll be at the gym....another change from 3 months ago! HA!